Friday, April 15, 2011

WARNING: The gloves are about to come off...

Sigh! I'm tired of constantly having to point out the obvious. I used to think that that was the job for journalists. Apparently I was wrong.

Check out Glenn Beck's latest patsy...

Tell you what guys, I'm going to give ya'll a lead in to figure this one out...

Back in the 1700's people traveled by horse, by wagon, by mules and by foot. There were 13 colonies (?) of which were essentially on the level of 'towns', with villages and homesteads sprinkled across the country side.

At the time no roads existed in the country. By comparison the silk road has been around for hundreds of years.

Large construction projects, like roads, take a large number of workers to complete.

Roads made by private companies exist in our age (about 200 years after the Independence) but imagine what it would be like with no roads but private ones with tollbooths. (Hint: Ever heard of the phrase "robbers on the highway"?)


I'm tired of the lies, the bickering, the fear mongering and the shills posing as journalists.

I ignored the news for over a decade and its a good thing that I did as its allowed me enough peace of mind to learn about culture and society. But now things are different. With the Republican policies of breaking down the entire fabric of society... from education, to social services such as health care (called medicare in the States) and even the police and firemen!

With no social services the country will go mad (it's already unbalanced), just compare the News media in America to BBC World News and the differences become glaringly obvious.

The worst part is that the Republican's media machine has put a terrorist in charge of tearing apart the very human fabric of society forget about the government itself!

[Remember: Causing fear that causes your country to break up and possibly move towards a civil war is treason.]

Journalists have responsibilities as well. To let such obvious sophistry go over the airwaves without putting it in context reflects bad on you. Well, it's not like ya'll seem to know what ya'll are doing (unless ya'll are all shills selling your integrity, your country and the future of your children to the highest bidder?)

What's worse is that ya'all know I can prove ya'll were involved in the cover-up over 9/11. I've done it before. I can - and will - do it again. Last time I used, what amounted to an 'atomic bomb'(allegorically speaking), in attacking the traitors (shut down all schools, I was scary). This time I'm using a wooden spear from 10 feet away. I know who the real rulers of America are (hint: it's called an 'oligarchy'). There will be no collateral damage this time. Can ya'll handle the backlash of people knowing the truth with video and science...a decade later...from me? I think not. You have to make a decision now.

As the Great George Bush said..."You're with me or against me". Keep in mind, he wasn't a cowboy. Choose carefully.

Since ya'll have obviously decided to ignore all real knowledge (except for a few individuals) and focus on crap theories, I thought I would make a point. Here is a video from a Harvard Professor from 1946 for all you uneducated fools who still havn't figured out the difference between democracy and despotism.

Tips: Watch the video carefully then write down every word said and draw out the images. Then watch the video again and write down everything said (do this at least 4 time....[Note: this is for those retarded news media people out there who never got an wonder they want to cut education and teachers....what if the American public ever got smart enough to see through the crap on the air....that would destroy somebody...who? you? decide which side you are on now, your time for dithering is over].

Warning: If ya'll force me to explain anything in this post or the above video in a step by step manner, the gloves are coming off.

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