Friday, June 10, 2011

Trends In Media and Social Consciousness

The bulb in the above video was developed with the help of Thomas Edison and seems to have the ability to last longer than any modern bulbs (if true, this should be a complete humiliation to the light bulb industry).

One of the reasons that technology has become outdated and even politics(over the last decade or so) has turned into a shouting match of nonsensical emotionally charged words and theories (often so blatantly wrong that only continuous repetition can ingrain it into societal belief)...

... is because the American people, for the most part, feel absolutly helpless so they occupy theselves with important things (such as survival/family which is necessary) and trivial things like gossip and sex scandals and

Hey! Look! A birdie!

Media has to follow the trends of society for ratings (without ratings they would lose viewers) and so they give the viewers what they want. Yet you can see one major difference in the video above... the hot CNN anchor actually tells us what the real stories are before submitting to the will of public demand (yup, sex sells). I think such warnings/overviews should be a regular part of telecasts as they will make people more aware and as a consequence more real issues will be discussed.

Thank you, CNN, for the overview as outlined in the 'moment of zen' above.

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