Sunday, April 17, 2011

Information about : The Colbert Super Pack

It all began when Viacom ruined Stephen's PAC Dream...

But, like a detective, Stephen pursues his right to form a ...Super PAC?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A study of effects of words on culture and society

Notice at approx 7 minutes and 40 seconds into the above video Karl Rove says, "The fact that Obama was not born in Hawai".

Before he says the above statement he drones on for a while until I was half asleep (forgot the proper hypnosis name for that, lets call it the 'boring the listener technique' for now). And right after saying this he talks as if it's absolutely nuts for anyone to doubt Obama's birth record BUT The fact, that he said 'the fact', reminds me of a hypnosis fact which makes me a little suspicious. In hypnosis that statement is called something along the lines of a 'command sentence' where you 'install' a belief unconsciously. And the fact is, is that that's a fact.

If I were involved with The Colbert Super Pac I would use money to figure out if this sort of thing actually affects all people or just the base that supports the sayer of the statement unquestioningly or has no effect at all.

Friday, April 15, 2011

WARNING: The gloves are about to come off...

Sigh! I'm tired of constantly having to point out the obvious. I used to think that that was the job for journalists. Apparently I was wrong.

Check out Glenn Beck's latest patsy...

Tell you what guys, I'm going to give ya'll a lead in to figure this one out...

Back in the 1700's people traveled by horse, by wagon, by mules and by foot. There were 13 colonies (?) of which were essentially on the level of 'towns', with villages and homesteads sprinkled across the country side.

At the time no roads existed in the country. By comparison the silk road has been around for hundreds of years.

Large construction projects, like roads, take a large number of workers to complete.

Roads made by private companies exist in our age (about 200 years after the Independence) but imagine what it would be like with no roads but private ones with tollbooths. (Hint: Ever heard of the phrase "robbers on the highway"?)


I'm tired of the lies, the bickering, the fear mongering and the shills posing as journalists.

I ignored the news for over a decade and its a good thing that I did as its allowed me enough peace of mind to learn about culture and society. But now things are different. With the Republican policies of breaking down the entire fabric of society... from education, to social services such as health care (called medicare in the States) and even the police and firemen!

With no social services the country will go mad (it's already unbalanced), just compare the News media in America to BBC World News and the differences become glaringly obvious.

The worst part is that the Republican's media machine has put a terrorist in charge of tearing apart the very human fabric of society forget about the government itself!

[Remember: Causing fear that causes your country to break up and possibly move towards a civil war is treason.]

Journalists have responsibilities as well. To let such obvious sophistry go over the airwaves without putting it in context reflects bad on you. Well, it's not like ya'll seem to know what ya'll are doing (unless ya'll are all shills selling your integrity, your country and the future of your children to the highest bidder?)

What's worse is that ya'all know I can prove ya'll were involved in the cover-up over 9/11. I've done it before. I can - and will - do it again. Last time I used, what amounted to an 'atomic bomb'(allegorically speaking), in attacking the traitors (shut down all schools, I was scary). This time I'm using a wooden spear from 10 feet away. I know who the real rulers of America are (hint: it's called an 'oligarchy'). There will be no collateral damage this time. Can ya'll handle the backlash of people knowing the truth with video and science...a decade later...from me? I think not. You have to make a decision now.

As the Great George Bush said..."You're with me or against me". Keep in mind, he wasn't a cowboy. Choose carefully.

Since ya'll have obviously decided to ignore all real knowledge (except for a few individuals) and focus on crap theories, I thought I would make a point. Here is a video from a Harvard Professor from 1946 for all you uneducated fools who still havn't figured out the difference between democracy and despotism.

Tips: Watch the video carefully then write down every word said and draw out the images. Then watch the video again and write down everything said (do this at least 4 time....[Note: this is for those retarded news media people out there who never got an wonder they want to cut education and teachers....what if the American public ever got smart enough to see through the crap on the air....that would destroy somebody...who? you? decide which side you are on now, your time for dithering is over].

Warning: If ya'll force me to explain anything in this post or the above video in a step by step manner, the gloves are coming off.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fear and insecurity in the media

Fear and outrage is very common in American news. In some cases it makes sense. In other cases, not so much...

Daily Show: Toemageddon 2011 - This Little Piggy Went to Hell
The media reports on a five-year-old boy with pink toenails like it's a story about incest or cannibalism.

However, there are strong voices of reason if you look in the right places...

Of course, fear isn't the only challenge modern media has to face to balance their programs...

The Word: "inventing womens insecurities" (a different kind of media generated fear)


A study found that "...93% of women consider their armpits unattractive". This study actually makes sense. If you ask a girl what she believes is the most attractive about her, it is extremely unlikely that she would reply 'my armpits'. Taking that a step further you could say, 'hey, 93% of women don't mention their armpits as attractive so it is true that they consider their armpits unattractive'. It's a kinda half truth advertising campaign.

If you invent (or discover) a problem then provide a solution to that problem, then you are following the basic process of creating a product and then marketing it.

In some cases, people or companies do research to discover a need and then create a market for it. While in other cases a market is created through advertising by making something a problem that previously wasn't. That's all OK. What is not OK is to make women (or anyone for that matter) feel insecure and then market them a solution to protect them from a fear that was created through advertising in the first place.

There are other forms of advertising as well, such as product placement.

Removing the Bush Tax Cuts could save the American economy!

... and with it, the global economy?

Daily Show: Ryan's Private Savings - Path to Prosperity
Paul Ryan makes a video to explain his debt reduction plan with a production value that makes the Democrats look bad.

This is not the first time people have mentioned the Bush tax cuts as bad for the economy...

(above video was first posted here)

Look at the dynasty of republicans...all following the same evolving platform...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

This is freakin hilarious!

Commentary on how lies can be used to skew the public debate...

From The Daily Show: Cenac - Countdown to the Next Countdown - Jon Kyl Lies About Planned Parenthood - The lie facts about Planned Parenthood's abortion statistics stack up very strongly in Jon Kyl's favor.

More about abortion : "He never intended to be right"

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Wrecking Crew... part deux

[Note: Part 1 was deleted before April of 2009. This post contains previous material plus stuff I left out]

The following video is an interview with the author of The Wrecking Crew:


Starting joke: 'Conservatives have destroyed the government...oh yeah? then why do I still have to vote' [Stephen Colbert is right. We didn't need to vote in the 2000 elections {also see Fahrenheit 9/11}- and probably even in 2004? - so until the illusion of voting is removed lets pretend that The Wrecking Crew did not smash the American government making it hollow and ineffectual and a mockery of the constitution].

Of course, The Wrecking Crew has not stopped there but seem intent of tearing apart the very fabric of American society and its freedom with lies repeated over and over and over till even republicans have begun to believe them.

Moving on, here is a video interview with the author of The Republican War On Science (but before watching it check out the reviews for 'The Republican War Against Women'):

Telling lies over and over again and scaring people half to death is the tried and true method of class warfare. To help diffuse some fear read the reviews (and possibly the book) of The Debt and The Deficit: False Alarms/Real Possibilities

Product Description

As the British trade deficit continues to grow, this trenchant, original and timely book on the US deficit and national debt offers much to readers on this side of the Atlantic.

The authors explain what national debts and deficits are, and what they are not. One thing they are not nearly as big as we think. Another thing they are not is a burden on the shoulders of our grandchildren. And one thing they are is a potential means of financing economic growth. Heilbroner and Bernstein do not shrug aside the debt and deficit. "The only remedy for our present frightened state of mind", they write, "is explanations that are simple but accurate, facts that will defuse unreasoning panic, and arguments that will stand up under the most skeptical examination."

Friday, April 8, 2011

Jon Stewart does a parody of Glenn Beck - In honor of his being dumped by Fox News

The parody begins:

Setting the stage to look like a Glenn Beck TV show...

Glenn Beck announces he is leaving Fox fight in a revolution:

You can tell that Jon Stewart is having a great time :)

And Jon Stewart goes on and on and on and on and on and on ... in his celebration...

...of course, he still has a radio show with 2 million listeners...

Measured Language Vs. A More Direct... 'Speaking To The Base'


Mike Hukabee writes a book every 6 weeks!

About Glenn Beck: "It could be that the world will come to an end before his contract expires....I dont know" (hey guys, check out the flag in the background of Glen Beck's video which is also feature down below in this post) :)

Did you know?: Shariah Law is an enormous problem in Oklahoma! Beware Native Oklahomans!

Measured Language Vs. A More Direct Speaking To The Base part 2

Measured Language Vs. A More Direct Speaking To The Base part 3

BTW, guess who's become the Lawrence of Arabia!

Featured Videos from Fox News...Beck: My Future and Fox News Apr 7, 2011- 3:16 -
"I took this job to ring the bell"

Glenn Beck says in the above video: "Stick together and together we will do the right thing for our country and the world"

Monday, April 4, 2011

Searching for the sacred in our lives: All Things Shining


Sean Dorrance Kelly is the head of the philosophy department at Harvard University

The book being talked about is: All Things Shining: Reading the western classics to find meaning in a secular age

Take Aways:

Its hard for many people to find what matters to them in our age and that means our time is different than the culture and societies of our recorded history.

Some individuals have religious beliefs that they can connect to the sacred (and see the world as shining as opposed to the dull - or non-shining view - that the lack of connection to the sacred in our lives can bring to a person's perception of life and the world we live in). i.e. for many people connecting to the sacred is difficult as they move through the challenges of secular society.

To learn more read the review in the New York Times (short extract below):

The philosopher Hubert Dreyfus and his former student Sean Dorrance Kelly have a story to tell, and it is not a pretty tale for us moderns. Ours is an age of nihilism, they say, meaning not so much that we have nothing in which to believe, but that we don’t know how to choose among the various things to which we might commit ourselves. Looking down from their perches at Berkeley and Harvard, they see the “human indecision that plagues us all.” In “All Things Shining” they offer readings of classic texts to show both how we got into this mess and how we can overcome it.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Favorite Cartoon Clip - Dash from The Incredibles


Aasif Mandvi meets a comic book artist who thinks Batman's Muslim sidekick, Nightrunner, could spell doom for the American way of life.

The Edge of Physics...

Brian Greene
Brian Greene says math is the gateway to reality and calls Stephen a bag of particles governed by the laws of physics. (05:58)

Also read about the movie Mindwalk.

Introduction to "Commentary on Culture and Society"

So far I have only reached Neanderthals in my main blog (which will be covered in part 2 my article "The earliest evidence of ritual and myth part 1". In the next part I am going to be outlining the evidence about Neanderthals that will blow the lid off the worlds of history and archeology. One part of trying to understand what happened way back in our deep deep past is to understand why Neanderthal man may have practiced cannibilism....if not regularly then at least at some points in thier history or in some cultures and societies such as the cannibals of New Guinea.

Piers Gibbon
Piers Gibbon was oddly offended when he learned that cannibals in New Guinea had never eaten a white man. (06:10)

Stay tuned to my main blog for my next post and in the meantime you can learn more about cannibalism at ...

Eating with cannibals